Changing Page Properties
To view the page properties, click the left mouse button on any area of the printable page that is not covered by another object, such as a map or text. The page properties will display in the Property Editor. A description of the key properties are listed below.
- BackgroundStyle Use this to change the color and texture of the page background. By default it will be white. Images can be used for the background by setting the Texture property.
- FillStyle This is the default fill used for shape objects drawn on the page.Use the ColorAlhpaFactor to change the transparency of objects.
- LineStyle This is the default color used for lines and shape outlines. Use the LineWidth property to change the width of a line.
- Height and Width This is the height an width of the page. By default it will be in pixels, but this can be altered by changing the MeasurementUnits property.
- MeasurementUnits The logical measurement units used for the page. All other sizing properties are directly linked to this property. Changing this property will change the value of all other measurement properties, such as Height, Width, LineWidth, X and Y.