AccuGlobe Desktop 2007 Digital Data Technologies, Inc.

Steps To Create A Buffer

  1. Click on the layer to be buffered in the legend.
  2. Click on the Buffer option of the Tools menu.
  3. Select either all or selected features that will be used for the buffer. Click on the next button.
  4. There are now three options:
    • Single buffer at a specified distance
      This will create a buffer from each vertix at the specified map unit distance as defined by the user.
    • Single buffer at a distance specified by an attribute
      This will create a buffer from each vertix at the specified map unit distance defined by a table attribute.
    • Multiple concentric rings
      This will create multiple concentric rings from each point with user defined quantity of rings at a user defined map units radius. Changing the colors required for each of the rings is also possible from this form.
  5. Click on the next button.
  6. There are now three options:
    • Select all features in the specified field that fall within the buffer
      This will select all the features that meet the requirements of the buffer.
    • Draw the buffers as graphics
      This will create one graphic per selected feature that has been buffered by the user set value.
    • Save the buffers to a new shapefile
      This will save all the features that meet the requirements of the buffer to the specified file. There is an option for this file to be automatically added to the project.
  7. Click Finish to create the buffers.
Examples of buffered features:

Point buffer

Line buffer

Polygon buffer