AccuGlobe supports relating data from relational database systems to map layers. A common field and values are required for matching data between the two.
Steps To Create A Relate
- Using the mouse right click over the layer in the legend with which the remote data will be associated with.
- Click on Relates. The Relate Manager will display.
- Click on Add New. The Add Relate dialog will be displayed.
- Click on the first drop down list and select the field with which the data will be associated with.
- Click on SQL Data Source if the remote data is stored in SQL Server. The SQL Server Finder dialog will be displayed. Fill in the appropriate information and click Connect. If AccuGlobe was able to connect successfully the list of databases will be populated. Select a database from the drop-down list and click Apply.
- Click on File Data Source if the remote data is stored in a file. Supported file are Microsoft Access (.mdb), text files (.txt or .csv) or DBase files (.dbf). Browse and select the appropriate file.
- For other data sources, enter a valid OLE DB connect string in the text box below the SQL Data Source and File Data Source buttons. A sample to connect to an Excel spreadsheet is provided below.
- Click the Connect button.
- The remote table drop down list will now be populated.
- Click on the third step and pick the table from the database the data will be associated with.
- Click on the fourth step and pick the field name that will be used to associate data between the map layer and database.
- Enter a name for the relate.
- Click on Add Relate to create the relate. This data will now be accessible via the attribute table.
- Use the Relate Manager to add more relates, remove a relate, or edit an existing relate.
Sample OLE DB Connect String For Connecting To Excel
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\abc\My Documents\Test.xls;Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;HDR=No"